Last month's theme for the StampscapesII yahoo group challenge was Weeds and Things.
I googled "weeds" for my inspiration, and found I had to fine tune the search to "scenic weeds," as I was not getting the images I was interested in for a scene. :) I found a photo that sang to me, as my ATC sister Sandy would say.
Making two scenes at the same time, I started by stamping the rocks for the background of the scene. I didn't worry about filling them in completely because I was planning for the weeds to be in the foreground and would cover up a portion. Next, I airbrushed in a subtle sky.
I colored the rocks and added a few weeds popping up between the rocks with alcohol markers.
I added the weeds and things in the forefront using rich LUXE inks and Distress Inks in various shades of green. I 'found' a new technique when I accidently over-inked one of my LUXE pads. This time I did it on purpose to give texture and depth to the weeds and things in the forefront.
I masked the rocks and added more grass inbetween them with a portion of a stamp. To create green moss on the rocks, I used a cotton swap. I also used a cotton swap to dab in a bit more LUXE ink to make the flowers really pop. NOTE: When you allow the ink to dry in between layers and you will get a sharper image. If you want more blended weed and things, stamp over wet ink.
I picked the scene I liked best to send to my stampin' sister Pat. I hope she likes it!
Stampscapes Images: 18E, 185G, 275D, 277F, 302A
Take care and STAY POSITIVE!