I see why people get hooked! I had a ball making prints. Once I let go of the need to clean my stencils, I felt free and was on a roll. :o) I did wash them with soap and water at the end of the night. There's still paint on them, but I think I'll get past it. :o) Actually, it makes it easier to see the designs in the pile.
I had done my homework before taking my Gelli Plate out of the package. I watched Donna's Gelli Prints workshop twice...I watched several Youtube clips - Gelli Arts and Patti Parrish lots of times, and I read the package instructions twice - I was ready! It's all about building color - which I so much enjoy! I have a buffet of prints to use as backgrounds on greeting card designs - woo hoo! Some, I will use as is, others, I build more color, add design elements of color, and most likely some stamps or my own drawings. Oh! All the possibilities!!
I used a variety of acrylic paints (including metallic and iridescent), stencils, matt cardstock and tools to doodle - I dig them all! I even tried vanilla and black cardstock. I'll try more colors next time. In addition to the tips and techniques shared in the videos, one tip that I would offer is make sure you think about where you will put all the prints while they dry. :o)
Ghost pulls
Below is the sheet that I rolled paint off on. I'll find a way to use this as a background too! The little round cirlces were used as masks - I really like how the came out. I'll use them for something too. No waste with this technique! :o)
Below are some of my favs.
You'll be seeing these as backgrounds in the near future! :o)
Take care and STAY POSITIVE!